Quidditch Simulator v2.1 - Content Update

Hi there! Here is the next version update for our Quidditch Simulator: 

1) We added a Designer to the team! Welcome Adrian! You can find his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@AdrianRosarioPR

2) He created a new title screen and music for the game! 

3) On top of having a Stats page at the end of the game, we now have a Momentum graph which tracks the scoring throughout the game 

4) We also added a Season mode! Currently, it is only for Hogwarts, but it will flow through a single round robin where the player can see a running total of the standings at the end of the game. After the season has finished, it will display the endings standings 

5) Weather has been improved! It is now based on teams instead of a blanket variable 

6) Player tunings have been tweaked. Now there is a chance a weaker league team and defeat a higher league team if the weather conditions are correct 

7) Cheats! A Cheats menu has been added to make our testing lives easier

8) There were also several bug fixes and code restructures


Looking a little ahead - we're planning to build on from 'Simulator' to 'Management' where you can make your own team so stay tuned! 


WebGLv2.1.zip Play in browser
Oct 20, 2024

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